Sunday 14 August 2011

TOC - Learning Style/Needs

Learning Style/Needs:
* My Learning Style as noted from my test at are detailed below:

Note: VAK stands for Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic

A copy of the results of my VAK learning styles test:
One line shows how many A's, B's, and C's I have got.

My results showed that I have lots of A’s, some B’s, and very low numbers of C’s.

If you get an A in a question then you have a visual learning style.
If you get an B in a question then you have a auditory learning style.  
If you get an C in a question then you have a kinaesthetic learning style.

Therefore I have a mostly visual learning style mixed with a bit of an auditory learning style.

* The next question to ponder in my learning style is when is the best time for me to learn

I learn the best during the night.

*     What distracts you from your learning? How do you overcome these distractions?
Watching TV, and doing cleaning up tasks at home or frivolous tasks can distract me from my learning. Some techniques to overcome these distractions include telling others that I would need to do some work of my own; clean up as quickly as possible; make a plan of which TV programs, or games that I would like to watch/play so that I can schedule the time required for learning.

Table of Contents for Self-Development

Table of Contents:

Self-development Topics:

  • Learning Style/Needs

    o    What are my learning styles/needs? Refer to websites.
    o    What can I use to help me identify my learning needs?
  • SWOT Analysis

    o    What are my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Refer to website.
    How can I use these to achieve what I want?
  • Skills Development

    o    KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Attributes)
    Technical and Non-technical KSA’s
    o    What courses should I undertake to improve these KSA’s
    Who can assist
    me in determining what skills I need?
  • Short & Long Term Goals

    o    What do I want to achieve over the next 1 – 5 years? List 5 short term goals.
    What sort of job/career/lifestyle do I want in the future? List 5 long term goals.

  • A table listing the 5 short & 5 long term goals

    o    In this table state a time line (action plan) for achieving these goals (may be skills you identified above)
    List the steps you can take to help you achieve these goals
    List the order in which you are going to attempt  these goals
    List what parts
    of each goal you have achieved

  • Action Plan

    o    List any strategies you think you will use when  you are trying to achieve your goals (short term and long term)
    List any issues that may distract you – lower your motivation. Provide suggestions on how you will overcome them.
    List any concerns
    you may have about your own confidence. Provide suggestions on how you will overcome them.

  • Reflection 

    o    Reflect on what you have learned about yourself whilst writing this blog
    o    What other things could you do to help you achieve your goals?
    Reflect on who can you go to for feedback or assistance with achieving your goals.